4. In Which Gospel Do You Now Believe? (1 Kings 13:33-34)

Episode 4 November 04, 2022 00:59:16
4. In Which Gospel Do You Now Believe? (1 Kings 13:33-34)
Heretics, Who Followed the Sins of Jeroboam (I)
4. In Which Gospel Do You Now Believe? (1 Kings 13:33-34)

Nov 04 2022 | 00:59:16


Show Notes

It’s raining softly. Yesterday, while watching TV, I saw Bill Gates saying in an interview that it’s now possible to implant computer chips in the human body. Until now, chips had been implanted in inanimate objects and animals to keep track of them, but now, it’s possible to implant computer chips deep in the human body. This speaks to the fact that the end times described in Revelation chapter 13 are fast approaching. Previously, chips could be implanted in a limited range of bodily parts, such as the thigh or the back of the hand, but as these chips could easily be removed through a simple surgical procedure, they are now implanted deep in the organs of the human body, so that they may not be removed so easily. According to Bill Gates, this is now more than possible. The people of the world, of course, would be quite excited about this new technology. There are certain conveniences that come with this technology; for instance, if someone is kidnapped, you could track him down and locate him by using GPS via satellites. When I heard this news yesterday morning, I was reminded that the age of Revelation is nearing us faster and faster.



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